Feedback Command

Submit feedback to help improve Memo Bot


?feedback [message]

The feedback command allows you to submit suggestions, bug reports, or general feedback about Memo Bot. All feedback is stored and reviewed regularly by the development team.


  • message - Your feedback message

Feedback Best Practices

Good Feedback Examples:

  • Bug reports with steps to reproduce
  • Specific feature requests
  • Detailed improvement suggestions
  • Command enhancement ideas


  • Abuse or harassment
  • Spam submissions
  • Very short/vague feedback
  • Support requests (use ?help instead)


Bug report:

?feedback The ?play command sometimes fails to join voice channels in servers with over 1000 members

Feature request:

?feedback Would be great to have a queue system for the music commands

General feedback:

?feedback Love the profile command! Maybe add an option to show favorite channels?

Bot Response

Memo Bot

Feedback Received

Thank you for your feedback! Your message has been stored and will be reviewed by our team.

Memo Bot


Please provide a feedback message. Usage: ?feedback [message]

Required Permissions

  • None required


No cooldown

What Happens Next?

  • Feedback is securely stored
  • Reviewed by development team
  • Used to guide improvements
  • May influence future updates

Tips for Good Feedback

  • Be specific and detailed
  • One idea per submission
  • Include examples if possible
  • Explain why it matters
  • Be constructive